Giving presentations with IPython notebook

IPython notebook became a very popular tool for programming short scripts in Python, interactive computing, sharing code, teaching or even demonstrations. Its advantage is the possibility to combine Python code with graphics, HTML, videos or even interactive JavaScript objects in one notebook. With this functionality it may also serve as a great presentation tool.

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6 steps to migrate your scientifc scripts to Python 3

Python 3 has been around for some time (the most recent stable version is Python 3.2), but till now it was not widely adopted by scientific community. One of the reason was that the basic scientific Python libraries such as NumPy and SciPy were not ported to Python 3. Since this is no longer the case, there is no reasons anymore to resist migration to Python (you can find the pros and cons on the Python website)

In this guide I am going to describe some tips that I learnt while trying to make my scripts compatible with Python 3. There is nothing to be afraid of – the procedures are actually quite easy and very rewarding (it is like a glimpse into the future of Python!).
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Scientific computing with GAE and PiCloud

Google App Engine (GAE) is a great platform for learning web programming and testing out new ideas. It is free and offers great functionality, such as Channel API (basically Websockets). Deployment is as easy as clicking a button (on a Mac) on running a Python script (on Linux). The best of all is that you can program in Python and offer an easy end-user web interface without time consuming installation, dependencies and nerves. Continue reading “Scientific computing with GAE and PiCloud”

MNS 2008/09

The Model of Neural Systems programming course will start on Monday, October 27th. It will be given by Robert Schmidt and me. The first programming assignments are available on the course webpage. See you all on Monday!